Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Tilak Ceremony

The TilakCeremony

So, as we continue our journey throughout Indian weddings, we stumble upon the tilak ceremony. Now there’s not much in this particular ceremony, for it is more of, as you kids like to say, a “low-key” event. 

Now, this function is only celebrated by the groom and his family, along with only the males from the bride’s side. Basically, the males of the families use red vermillion to put this mark (tilak) on the groom’s forehead. It’s known to be a symbol of blessings such as bringing him prosperity for his marriage, have good opportunity in his future, have a blessed family, etc. 

Not only is this an important ceremony for the groom, but it is important for the bride’s family as well. When the father of the bride attends the ceremony, and places the tilak on the groom, it is a sign for the acceptance that he has for his future son-in-law. Moreover, it shows that the bride’s father sees this man as a loving husband for his daughter and someone that will be a good life partner. 

This function could take place in either the groom’s house, but, usually, since it is an important function, often times, it could be held in the temple. This way, when it’s in the temple, the priest of the temple is able to say a prayer and bless the groom for his future. In simpler words, it’s another function with many more blessing cause one can never be over blessed, right?  

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