Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Lady Sangeet Function

           As we continue our journey throughout Indian weddings, the next topic is on the function called the Lady Sangeet. It is one of the most celebrated pre-wedding events within Punjabi and Gujarti weddings. 

            Traditionally, women of the family would get together with traditional instruments such as thedolaks or dhol and sing traditional songs. Most of these songs are more like riddles and poems, which mainly consist of teasing the bride about her wedding and her groom. Sometimes, there are also songs about the sorrow and sadness within the bride’s family for her leaving to her husband’s house. 

            However, nowadays the Lady Sangeetstyle has changed. Before, it would be a celebration that the bride’s family would have, but, now, both the bride’s side and the groom’s side has a Lady Sangeet function. Plus, nowadays it’s a huge pre-wedding party rather than a traditional celebration. Even in some familes, the bride and the groom’s family will celebrate this function together, so that the families can mix and meet each other before the wedding. In simpler words, if you want to go to a huge wedding celebration, this is the one for you!  

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Choora Ceremony

Now, moving on from the Haldi Ceremony comes the next step; the Choora ceremony. Choora generally means bangles, so, yes, it’s the Bangles Ceremony. Now, this is a huge tradition and function in Punjabi weddings, but, throughout the years, it has also spread into most Hindu weddings. 
            The concept of the Choora is, actually, very simple. The bride wears a set of red and white bangles, and there are usually twenty-one bangles on each arm. Traditionally, these bangles are made of ivory and are worn by the bride on her wedding day. 
            Before the bride wears her Choora, the bangles are washed in milk and water as auspicious sign or as a sign of blessings for the bride. Traditionally, the bride receives her Choora set from her maternal uncle and aunt, and her brothers (or cousin brothers) are the ones who put on the bangle set on her. Nowadays, after their wedding, brides will only keep on about 7-11 bangles on each arm for about a month and half (or anywhere near 40 days); whereas, before, brides would wear their Choora for a year. Then on the 1stanniversary of the bride and groom, the bride’s in-laws would host a ceremony to have the bride take off her Choora. 
            I know it might sound like a ridiculous ceremony, but, traditionally, it was meant as a sign of the bride leaving her maternal home and settling into her in-laws. Through this, the Choora was a sign that the woman was a newly-wed bride. In the end, these traditions are still carried on and most brides get that feeling of excitement while wearing their Choora. Of course, wouldn’t we all get excited to keep on celebrating and partying for our wedding?   

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Haldi Ceremony

           Now, let’s jump right into the first function of an Indian wedding! In many Indian cultures, especially the Punjabi and Hindu cultures, the Haldiceremony is the beginning part to every big Indian wedding. 
            The word Haldi actually means turmeric, so, yes, it is basically a turmeric ceremony. Now the reason it’s called the haldi ceremony is because there is a paste that is made with turmeric, rose water, and a powder (usually its sandalwood or chickpea powder), and this paste is smeared on the bride and the groom from the members of their families. Usually, in tradition, the elder ladies of the house go first, and then everyone else can take turns putting haldipaste on the bride or groom. 
            I know you must be thinking, “Why? What’s the purpose?”. Well, it turns out that there is quite a lot of significance behind this tradition/ceremony. Firstly, it’s to keep off the evil eye from the bride and groom. Secondly, it’s a tradition for the elders of the families to bless the soon-to-be couple. But mostly, it’s also used as a form of purification. Once the bride or groom has completed the ceremony, they go shower and cleanse their bodies as a sign of getting ready for a new life. Also, turmeric is known to be extremely beneficial to the skin and body, so, of course, having a strong antiseptic that clears your skin before your wedding is never a bad thing!

For more information on a haldi ceremony: 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Indian Weddings

BigFat Indian Weddings

Indian weddings are absolutely amazing! Now, they aren’t like typical weddings that only last about a day. We all know that planning for a wedding day is hard, but can you imagine all that work and effort that goes into a wedding for a week?! Indian weddings usually include a week of events and functions that lead up to the wedding day and the wedding reception. They are full of food, colors, entertainment, and, of course, dancing! These functions are so long that even I wonder how we make it through a whole week of events. Now, of course, for a week of events, you definitely need a new outfit for every function! 

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Why so many functions and events?”. Well, let me try to make your mind at ease. These functions are all occasions of auspicious events. They all contain traditions that are passed down from generation to generation, but, mostly, they are just reasons to bless the bride and groom to have a happy and prosperous life ahead. I guess you can say “the more blessings, the better” right?  

Also, here’s a little link that might answer some more of your questions: